Woody Allen's comedy about a recent a divorcee named Allan Felix, whose neurotic behavior leads to awkward interactions with women is now on stage at Playhouse on Park in the renowned Park Road District of West Hartford.
The creative team here at Playhouse on Park has a je ne sais quoi when it comes to selecting and casting our shows. We have a history of diversity when it comes to the shows we produce. With a broad array of shows comes a diverse group of talented individuals selected to bring well written characters to life. "Play It Again Sam" is no exception.
Zane Johnston who plays Allan Felix, puts a comic spin on a man who is suddenly thrust back in to the dating world, we laugh with and root for him, from the time his wife humiliates him, on her way out the door through the awkward interactions with other women.
Bethany Fitzgerald plays his soon to be ex wife and all the other women he encounters throughout his tumultuous navigation of newly found singlehood. She glides effortlessly through costume and accent changes to bring a variety of women to life, including a dancer at a disco. Bethany is no stranger to dance, having played Roxie Hart in our production of "Chicago".
Dan Matisa, plays his good friend Dick Christie, a business oriented man determined to help Allan forget about his ex and find a new lady for him.
Marnye Young plays Dick's wife Linda, who helps her husband with Allan's plight and gets more than she bargained for.
Some of the funniest moments come in Allan's dream scenarios when Zane, Dan and Marnye add new layers to their characters.
Ted D'Agostino plays Humphrey Bogart with a soft spoken coolness while donning his signature accent and trench coat. He strolls in and out offering his sage advice. Ted has appeared recently in "Of Mice and Men" and "Go Dog Go" at the playhouse.
So take in to consideration Woody Allen's reputation for excellent cinema and stage presentations, Playhouse on Park's exceptional production value it pours in to every show, the actors who bring the words to life and the expert direction of Russell Treyz, then find someone to take with you to the show.
Play It Again Sam runs through March 24th. Call 860-523-5900 x10 for the best and most affordable ticket in town.
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